It's a good graphic, although there seems to be very little variance in the size of the words. This variance probably exists in the data, though, I would assume. Or maybe I'm missing the point of the graphic.
It's Wordle You too can make your own beautiful word clouds! There's even a great Google doc: 45 Ways to Use Wordle in the classroom I agree that I'd like to have more control over the size of some of the words. I didn't make this one--I imported it. (And, yes! This comment was controversial;-)
It's a good graphic, although there seems to be very little variance in the size of the words. This variance probably exists in the data, though, I would assume. Or maybe I'm missing the point of the graphic.
ReplyDeleteIt's Wordle
You too can make your own beautiful word clouds!
There's even a great Google doc: 45 Ways to Use Wordle in the classroom
I agree that I'd like to have more control over the size of some of the words. I didn't make this one--I imported it.
(And, yes! This comment was controversial;-)